Transform Your Academic Experience
& Gain the Ultimate Premed Advantage!

Do you feel like you're always running, yet getting nowhere?

Most premeds feel crushed under the weight of expectations—too busy, too stressed, and yet, still falling short. If premed feels like a relentless grind that leaves you wondering,
"What’s the point?"

I’m here to clear the chaos and simplify your journey. 

Getting into medical school isn't magic....

it's all about exceptional execution!

Write your awesome label here.

My precise, easy-to-follow systems make it easy to excel where it really matters: mastering your courses with ease, setting the curve, and making a real difference in activities you’re passionate about.

Under my mentorship, you won’t just get through premed—you’ll dominate it. 



I was a broke, first-generation college student, just hoping to make my family proud. I gave it everything I had, but by the end of my freshman year I was in danger of flunking out. My college counselor sat me down and told me that I would never get into med school – and even doubted my ability to graduate college – I was crushed at first, but then I took those words as a challenge. Fueled by the desire to prove her wrong, I became obsessed with productivity and mastering the med school admissions process.

As a result, I transformed my premed career, gained admission to my top choice, Stanford Medical School, graduated top 5% of my class and ultimately became an anesthesiologist. I made my doctor dream come true!

I’ll show you how to avoid overwhelm, streamline your studying, triumph over challenges and succeed on your own terms.

Dr. Andre Pinesett

Dr. Pinesett's Education & Training

If you think you can, you can!

University of California, Irvine (UCI)

BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Minor in Business Management

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Masters in Public Health

Stanford University School of Medicine

Medical Degree (top 5% of class) 

University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

Anesthesia Residency

Study efficiently, premed smarter, dominate the MCAT and make your application stand out!

While my personal success is gratifying, my favorite is watching my students crush their goals!
With over 20 years of experience mentoring and coaching students and premeds, I've encountered and triumphed over every premed obstacle imaginable


Medical Colleges

Dream Med School Admissions

I’ll show you how to avoid overwhelm, streamline your studying, triumph over challenges and succeed on your own terms.


What can I help you dominate?


Study Smarter


Med School Application

Med School Interview

Medical School

Real Student Transformations:

While my personal success is gratifying, my favorite is watching my students crush their goals!
With over 20 years of experience mentoring and coaching students and premeds, I've encountered and triumphed over every premed obstacle imaginable

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Real Expertise. Real Students. Real Transformations.

No Excuses, Just Dominate!

Write your awesome label here.

Are you ready to say goodbye to confusion, misinformation, and uncertainty?

If you're ready to gain complete clarity on how to make your doctor dreams a reality, click below, find the course or program you need and let me help you take control of your future!